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Showing posts from April, 2017

Pushing Myself to Write (More) in English

Hi there. Here I'am! What a time! I've promise to myself errr.. correction.  Not promise perhaps but talking to myself if have to  improve my english. Did I? To be honest  I  didn't it well. Forgive me T_T But.... For the past weeks I've watch my favourite serial, Downton Abbey . Guys, if you  know so well the live version of Beauty and The Beast , I bet you know this guy; Dan Stevens.  What a best drama for me. I am so sorry knowing that Mathews Crawley, a character whom Dan play for. Dan finished his act at the end of season 3.  Ok stop here. Don't let me spoiling the story. If you wanna know more, just watch it, ok? photo: And what the line come between my english with that drama? It's reminds me to learning English again. Though I spent more my time with Indonesian sub title than switched the  translate it off *LOL*  At some moment I did, switched the subtitle or change to english one. Then I found myself lack of  en